Write for Us


Write for Us Education, Career, Courses, Students (Submit Guest Post)

Education is a top priority for a better society. There are so many related and relevant topics that we can blog about, and we’re going to need your help. If you are an educator, a former educator, or an education expert, take the opportunity to be part of our growing community of contributors.

Do you have a flair for writing and searching for an opportunity of  “Write for Us” and “Submit a Guest Post” Page where you can showcase the skills and knowledge on Education, Students, Colleges, Courses, Study Abroad and Many more related to education. Then, you have landed at the right blog. You can feel the pride of yourself by writing for a blog on your favorite educational topics. By writing the elegant prose using flowery language will allow you to showcase the writing skills to the world. Bookless learning is a blog where you can write a blog related to Students, Colleges, Courses, Career, Study Abroad and many more related to educational topics of your interest. Our blog offers you opportunities to “write for us”

Education is a top preference for a better society. There are numerous relevant topics and ideas that you can blog about. If you believe you are an expert in educational writing, then take the opportunity to be part of our growing blog. We are always searching for high-quality content writers about anything related to education that may help students and our readers to get ideas and knowledge.

Our Topic of Writing Categories:

– Education

– Career

– Colleges

– Courses

– Study Abroad

  • Brief information about the learning techniques
  • Options for higher studies in foreign colleges
  • Assessments and projects
  • Study through technology and practical classes
  • Research work and presentations
  • Better career options and progress
  • Development and growth of the students
  • Notes and information regarding the academic subjects.

and many more Related to the Educational Stuff.

Our Main Motive is to educate people who are visiting our blog.

Our “Write for Us” Guidelines

Article length and word count:

The length of the article that you submit on the site must be of 1000 words. The article that is from 1500 to 2500 words is always preferred. We also suggest the writers to lengthy articles. The article must be informative, free from plagiarism, and is original. You must not have submitted the same article elsewhere.

Choose an impressive title:

The title must convey what is in the body of the article. To be precise, the title is the reflection of the article. You can choose the topic that is highly beneficial for the students who want to pursue their career in that particular field and also search engine friendly. No user would show interest in reading the article that has an unimpressive or vague title. Post title plays a critical role in improving the readability.

Approval of the topic:

If you want to submit an article on our website, you must send the topic to the given email id. We will approve the topics that are interesting and relevant to our site.

Allow adding a link:

You can add one dofollow link to the article. The link that you add in the informative article should be directed to a reliable blog, but not to any product, commercial site or affiliate marketing site.

How to Submit a Guest Post?

 You can send a few topic ideas before submitting an article to us directly.

send it to our email address technewsinfo.com@gmail.com

– If your topic is interesting and is relevant to our blog, we will get in touch with you.

– We only accept the articles that are sent in a Microsoft Word document.

Mail us at technewsinfo.com@gmail.com with the

– Subject (Guest Post or Advertising)

– Topics Ideas

– and Website that you want to link

We will get back to you if you followed our guidelines.